Karilynn Ming Ho, versions 1,2,3, Opens May 3 ~ Runs until May 31, 2013

Versions 1,2,3, by Karilynn Ming Ho
Join in on a presentation/discussion with the artist at 7pm leading up to the opening reception at 8pm, May 3.

Co-presented by the Centre for Art Tapes

Versions 1,2,3 is a video installation that examines the relationship between performance and the lens in the staging and reframing of events. The work begins with a series of improvisations by two people performing themselves in front of a camera (Version 1). Using the docu-mentation obtained from these improvisations as a “script,” these moments are restaged theatrically, using actors, objects, props and a minimal set and remediated back onto video (Versions 2 and 3). The work examines the notion of a performance that continues through its potential reiterations through different structural tropes (cinematic and theatrical) and through different bodies that take on these roles and situations.

There are a total of eight vignettes collected from the initial performances and reenacted as versions 2 and 3.

CIRCA 1995