Khyber Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy

Originally Published: April 27th, 2017

Last Revised: November 27th, 2019

Revisions: All policy is reviewed by the Khyber’s staff and Board on an annual basis and is subject to revisions and adaptations.

Applicability: This policy and protocol applies to the staff, board, members, patrons and volunteers of the Khyber Centre For the Arts.

Citation: References used in this policy are cited at the bottom of this page. The Khyber appreciates our policies being used as a template, reference or influence in the revision or development of new policy for other organizations and groups. We ask that if this policy is used as such, that it be acknowledged in your policy and referenced as an influence when discussing your new policy, publicly or in funding applications for your organization or group.

Credits: The Khyber Sexual Assault and Harassment Policy was created over 2016-17, through collaboration with South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre and Avalon Sexual Assault Centre. Carmel Farahbakhsh, Delaine Tiniakos, Frank Heimpel, Nathan Doucet and Hannah Guinan wrote this policy with community feedback and consultation, received online and through holding public meetings and programming.

Feedback: We are always open to review and feedback on all of our policies and programming. Visit our CONTACT page or find a feedback form for your use at the bottom this policy.


The Khyber is dedicated to creating a safe environment for all members of the Khyber Community.  We recognize that Sexual violence is a serious offence with significant impacts on individuals and community that is often under-reported and under-addressed1. Addressing sexual violence through a survivor centric and anti-oppressive framework is essential to building an accessible and care based space. We understand that there are many physical, emotional, social, environmental, and structural factors that may prevent those who have experienced sexual violence from reporting or disclosing their experiences – less than 5 percent  in Canada and 2.6 percent in HRM of all sexual assaults are reported to police (Brennan and Taylor-Butts 2008). We know that sexual violence can occur between individuals regardless of sex/gender, sexual orientation, race/culture/ethnicity, migrant status, Indigenous identity, class, disability, or age. However, research and experience show that sexual violence is not a neutral social phenomenon that occurs randomly, but is largely committed against women, often by people that they may know. The Khyber acknowledges the inherent cissexism in these findings and believes that “women” serves, in this governmental, statistics context, as a broad definition that includes all cis women, trans women, trans femmes, and/or people who are read incorrectly as female/women within the dominant culture (Two-Spirit people, non-binary people, intersex people, non-binary femmes). The Khyber understands that not all people read as female/women within dominant culture are women and that this is a demonstration of transphobia, transmisogyny, cissexism, and intersections of such.

In 1993, the year of the last national survey that directly asked about violence against women, it was found that half of all Canadian women had experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16 (Statistics Canada 1993). More research suggests that the numbers of sexual violence have remained steady, though the numbers of reported sexual assaults in Canada have declined (Statistics Canada 2009). Through this policy, we establish The Khyber’s commitment to addressing sexual violence using an anti-oppression survivor centric framework (Moore 2003). 

The Khyber acknowledges that in Canada sexual violence disproportionately occurs in the university/college setting and that the consequences of a growing rape culture on campus (a culture that tolerates sexual violence) needs to be addressed (Olson 2014).  The Khyber serves many university communities including the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design University, Dalhousie University, University of King’s College, Saint Mary’s University, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia Community College, and Université Sainte-Anne, we are committed to working against this problem.

The Khyber recognizes the repeated offenses of sexual violence within the Halifax music scene as a systemic issue that stems from a dominant culture of colonialism, white supremacy and misogyny. As an artist-run centre, gallery and event space presenting artworks of all media, the Khyber acknowledges the reality of ongoing violence, power imbalances and active abuse of power as a result of this dominant culture. This occurs not only within music spaces, but throughout the contemporary art world and includes a lack of action in response to sexualized violence and continuance of cultural appropriation, tokenism, sexism, ageism and ableist assumptions on physical, environmental and financial accessibility and needs of individuals when accessing spaces to present or experience art.

The Khyber believes that rape culture perpetuates survivor/victim-blaming stereotypes, which can make it more socially and emotionally difficult to disclose. The Khyber’s survivor centric lens works to uphold, believe, and prioritize survivor/ victims. Often believing a survivor/ victim while living under rape culture, may be read as biased or prejudiced. The Khyber actively supports survivor/ victims as a response to this belief. In order for bias or prejudice to hold or apply power, this bias or prejudice must be valued or validated through larger systems of structural power such as the criminal justice system and prison system – in fact the opposite bias can be demonstrated through observing low reporting and conviction rates of perpetrators.

The Khyber is aware that the use of alcohol and drugs is common on campus and within music spaces, and that both are important risk factors for sexual assault (Krebs, Lindquist and Warner 2007). The Khyber does sell alcohol on the premises. We recognize the link between drinking culture and sexual assault/ sexual violence. The Khyber strives to work from a harm reduction approach and framework and understands that individuals who live with addictions may negotiate consent in ways that are reflective of their lived experiences and does not aim to erase, disregard, or moralize these experiences. Nonetheless, consent in its many forms must always be granted.  

Overall, the The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy should be used as a guide to navigate the complexity of sexual violence outlined above. It is also a planning tool for reducing harm and acting on experiences of sexual violence within the Khyber.  


2.1 Anti-Oppression, Survivor Centric Framework

A framework for addressing sexual violence that prioritizes the autonomy and empowerment of survivors/victims and strives to ensure access to events and programming by meeting their needs for safer spaces.

This framework also takes an anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-heterosexism, anti-ableism, anti-ageism, anti-cissexist, and anti-classism stance.  For those in the Khyber Community, this includes a commitment to upholding the survivor/victim rights enshrined in the Khyber Sexual Violence Policy and Response Protocol. Although named the Anti-Oppression, Survivor Centric framework for brevity, we acknowledge that different individuals may have different ways of speaking and writing about their experiences. The language of ‘oppression’ and ‘survivors’ is in correspondence with our current roles and ideas of oppression politics, and may be subject to change overtime. 

2.2. Safety 

Safety is the state of being and feeling safe and experiencing relative freedom and security from the occurrence or risk of bodily, emotional, or mental harm, danger, or loss whether caused deliberately or by accident. Safety is also having access to spaces and people that provide this within an anti-oppression, survivor centric framework without fear or threat.

2.3 Discomfort

Discomfort is the state of being and feeling physically, emotionally, or mentally uncomfortable, uneasy, or in a state of stress. Feeling discomfort based on lack of consent, a crossing of boundaries, previous harmful, forceful, or violent experiences will be taken very seriously under The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy. Discomfort caused by one’s own internalized or explicit racist, anti Black, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist, ageist, and/or classist views, actions, or opinions about or toward anyone accessing The Khyber will not be supported or given space; this form of discomfort does not align with the anti-oppression, survivor centric framework.

2.4 Confidentiality

Confidentiality means to refrain from disclosing personal information to others. Every effort will be made to respect the wishes of persons experiencing sexual violence and to protect the privacy and anonymity of any person who discloses any incident of sexual violence. Prior to disclosure of any information reported relating to incidents of sexual violence, the expressed consent of the individual who made the report of sexual violence will be required. There are some situations where confidentiality must legally be broken and where information dispersed to certain authorities – the list of situations wherein confidentiality is broken is found below. The constraints of confidentiality will be clearly communicated to people disclosing experiences of sexual violence in advance of disclosure (St. Thomas University 2015).

Limits to Confidentiality: The following circumstances may require taking immediate action in relation to a disclosure of Sexual Violence:

  • An individual is at imminent risk of self-harm;
  • An individual is at imminent risk of harming another; and/or
  • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the Khyber community may be at risk of harm
  • Reporting or action is required by the law
  • Evidence of Sexual Assault is available in the public realm (e.g. social media)
  • A bystander discloses a sexual assault

In such circumstances, information would only be shared with necessary services to prevent harm, and the name of the survivor/ victim would not be released to the public.

2.5 Consent
(Lakehead 2014)

Under section 273.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada, consent is the voluntary agreement to engage in the sexual activity in question. This means that there must be an understandable exchange of affirmative, clear words that indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon sexual activity. The existence of a current or previous dating, marital, or sexual relationship is not sufficient to constitute consent to sexual activity.

Consent must be informed, freely given, active, and continuously given.  It is the responsibility of the initiator of sexual activity to obtain clear and affirmative responses at all stages of sexual engagement. Relying on non-verbal communication (regardless of your relationship) can lead to miscommunication about intent and it is important each participant clarifies the willingness to continue during progression of sexual activity.


  • Is not silence or the absence of ‘no’
  • Is never assumed or implied
  • Cannot be given by someone who is incapacitated by alcohol or drugs* or who is unconscious
  • Can never be obtained through force, threats, coercion or other pressure tactics
  • Can be revoked at any time, regardless of any sexual activities that may have taken place
  • Cannot be obtained if the perpetrator abuses a position of trust, power or authority
  • Cannot be assumed from previous consent to similar activities

*As stated above, The Khyber acknowledges that some members of the Khyber community may live with addiction, and they may negotiate consensual sexual acts while intoxicated. In these contexts, negotiations of consent will look different than our definition. Nonetheless, consent must always be granted.

2.6 Vicarious Trauma

Vicarious trauma is the emotional residue of exposure that first responders and responders to sexualized violence have from working with people as they are hearing their trauma stories and become witnesses to the pain and fear that trauma survivors have endured.

2.7 The Khyber Community

The Khyber community consists of:

  • The Khyber staff
  • The Khyber volunteers
  • The Khyber board of directors
  • The Khyber membership
  • The Khyber patrons
  • The Khyber hired artists or artists using the Khyber space
  • Any person who has used the Khyber services at any time

2.8 Disclosure

A Disclosure occurs when someone discloses that they have experienced Sexual Assault.

2.9 Force

In the context of sexual misconduct, force is the use of physical violence and/or imposing on someone physically to gain sexual access to that person. Force also includes threats of harm to self or others, intimidation and or coercion to overcome resistance.

2.10 Mediator

A mediator* is a person, usually with expertise in counseling, peer support, mediation or social work, who is appointed to work with a survivor/victim and a first responder to assist them in an attempt to work to find a survivor centric safety plan and support system that fits the survivor/victim’s needs.

2.11 Active Listening

Active listening is expressing concern and support for another person by being attentive to what they have to tell you. Active listening in a non-directional and non-interventionist approach that is rooted in expressing interest, concern, empathy, and survivor autonomy.

2.12 Non-Directional

The non-directional approach involves empowering individuals to make decisions and seek recourse through providing information regarding available options and resources while not encouraging or discouraging the use of certain options over others (McGill University 2016).

2.13 Perpetrator

A person who has perpetrated sexual violence or harassment. 

2.14 Sexual Assault/ Sexual Violence 

Sexual violence is prohibited by section 271 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Sexual violence is sexual touching of another person with any object or body part that is without consent or by force. Any sexual activity without consent is sexual assault. It is therefore crucial to understand consent (Lakehead 2014).

2.15 Sexual Violence Response Team

The sexual violence response team consists of those who the survivor/ victim has disclosed to and those people who are a necessary support for the survivor/victim. This team will consist of the Khyber staff, and/or board, and/or volunteers depending on the survivor/ victim disclosure. If members of the staff and/or board, and/or volunteers have not received active listening training and/or a how to support survivors training and/ or first responders training or a tangible equivalency instructed by South House, Avalon, or an alternate gender justice/ sexual justice centre, they will transparently defer to a member of the staff and/or board, and/or volunteers. As the Khyber operates from a survivor centric framework, it will then be up to the survivor/victim to decide the next steps of action. The purpose of the sexual violence response team will be to offer referrals and resources to the survivor/victim so they may make their most informed choice moving forward. The sexual violence response team will aim to encourage reporting culture, be able to reference the South House referral guide, and uphold an anti-oppression, survivor centric framework. 

The Khyber does not have the structural capacity to act as a rape crisis centre or a restorative justice centre. The Khyber will work to support survivor/ victims but does not have the structural capacity to guarantee support outside of Khyber events such as: accompaniment to appointment, support during a court case, counselling, house calls, etc.

2.16 Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment as defined by a vexatious comment or conduct of a sexual nature that is known or ought reasonably to be have been known to be unwelcome. All forms of sexual harassment and sex/gender-based harassment are serious offences because these actions create a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment (Lakehead 2014). 

Sexual harassment can include, but is not limited to: 

  • Unwelcome sexual advances
  • Unwanted attention
  • Implied or expressed rewards or benefits for sexual favours and implied or expressed threats if sexual favours are denied 
  • Requests for sexual favours
  • Indecent exposure (prohibited under section 173 of the Criminal Code of Canada)
  • Voyeurism (prohibited under section 162 of the Criminal Code of Canada)
  • Unwelcome remarks and/or vexatious comments about someone’s expression and or identity, including but not limited to: gender, sexuality, race, class, ability
  • Attempts to extort sexual favours
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Repeated and vulgar sexual comments
  • Display of pornographic or suggestive calendars, signs, posters and/or photographs
  • Non-consensual posting of pictures, aggressive comments or stereotypes and slurs on social media, including, but not limited to: email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

2.17 Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is any violence, physical or psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality. This includes, but is not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, degrading sexual imagery, distribution of sexual images or video of a community member without their consent, and cyber harassment or cyberstalking of a sexual nature (Ontario Women’s Directorate 2013).

2.18 Survivor/ Victim

A survivor/ victim is any individual who has experienced Sexual Violence.

2.20 Survivor/ Victim-Blaming

Putting blame for the occurrence of sexual violence on survivors/victims for any reason. survivor/victim-blaming can be implicit, such as through references to clothing choices, sexuality (including orientation, history and character), or the perceived “riskiness” of behaviours or choices. A non-victim-blaming response acknowledges that perpetrators make choices to violate the sexual integrity of others, and perpetrators are responsible for these choices. A non-victim-blaming response also acknowledges the role of cultural forces that normalize and tolerate sexual assault (McGill University 2016).

2.20  The Khyber Centre Safer Space Mandate

This mandate was created through an anti-oppression, survivor centric framework to act as acceptable behavioural guidelines for the Khyber community when accessing the Khyber centre events and programming.

2.21 The Khyber Centre Sexual Violence and Harassment Procedure

This procedure will be created through a anti-oppression, survivor centric framework to be paired with the Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy to act as a tangible and accessible resource specifically for Khyber bar staff, volunteers, and staff.

2.22 Safety Plan

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that can help one navigate harmful and unsafe situations. A safety plan can include: community resources, personal resources, people and friends you can access for various supports, medical resources, and self care methods.

2.23 Developmental Evaluation

The Khyber has identified the process of developmental evaluation (DE) as a useful technique to facilitate quick learning and effective innovation within emerging programs and policies. DE is particularly useful when working in highly complex situations such as the creation of an effective survivor centric policy. The key features of DE include:

a. A means to frame the issue or problem that the policy is intended to address

b. Allows policy makers to test quick iterations and use their intuition to interpret and quickly improve policies and processes in the early stages of development

c. Provides a framework for tracking the trajectory of a given policy by recording all the iterations including ones that did not work, “unintended consequences, incremental adjustments, tensions and sudden opportunities”. This promotes accountability and flexibility and an opportunity to test policies against the existing values of the Khyber and make quick improvements.

The Khyber’s implementation of DE will be highly participatory allowing for ample feedback from staff, board members and volunteers. Implementation of DE will include a variety of methods including interviews, group meetings for interpretation and analysis of findings, email surveys, etc. A team member will be assigned as the main developmental evaluator and they will be tasked with monitoring the overall process, framing and synthesizing ideas for the group, and keeping process notes including things like changes, new ideas, points of tension, assumptions made, or emerging themes and patterns.


The Khyber is committed to disrupting the normalization of sexual violence and creating a safer space for anyone in the Khyber community who has experienced sexual assault. The Khyber believes that the Khyber community should be a safer and positive space where members feel that they are able to work, learn, and express themselves in an environment free from sexual violence and harassment. 

All reports of sexual violence will be addressed to the best of the Khyber’s ability in an anti- oppressive and survivor centric framework. The Khyber hopes to mitigate nervousness, discomfort, uncertainty, and fear in disclosing around sexual violence that they have experienced or witnessed that is affecting their experiences at the Khyber.

The Khyber is committed to:

3.1 Not tolerating or condoning any form of sexual violence.

3.2 Establishing a sexual violence response team for the Khyber community.

3.3 Ensuring that survivors/victims are given complete autonomy and are treated with dignity and respect using an anti-oppression, survivor centric framework.

3.4 Providing survivors/victims with comprehensive information about mediation, reporting options, spaces of healing, and resources pertaining to sexual violence in a non-directional manner.

3.5 Educating and training the Khyber community around active listening, anti oppression/survivor centric approaches, first responder training, de escalation, and how to remove people who are violating the Khyber safer space mandate from the space.

3.6 The Khyber will follow a comprehensive safer space mandate and sexual violence and harassment procedure 


The Khyber believes that all individuals who experience sexual violence may be at risk of further harm or retaliation, and understands that it is extremely difficult to disclose experiences of sexual assault. The Khyber recognizes this challenge, but urges individuals to seek support for their own healing. This can take the form of support from a partner, grassroots community organization, chosen family member(s), creating a safety plan with a community organization, mediation and/or reporting to the police.

All survivors/ victims of sexual violence should have the right to:

4.1 Access support, safety and recourse measures under this policy.

4.2 Maintain confidentiality, and consent to any disclosures of information within The Khyber and to third parties.

4.3 Be treated with care, sensitivity, compassion, dignity and respect.

4.4 Not to be blamed for the sexual assault, either implicitly or explicitly.

4.5 Not to be questioned about their sex/gender or sexual orientation.

4.6 Define the language used to describe their experiences and identity.

4.7 Access information about community support, safety, and recourse options.

4.8 Freely choose which options to access (if any), in any combination or order, and receive assistance in pursuing their chosen option if requested.

4.9 Be provided with assistance in formulating a safety plan.

4.10 Be represented by an advocate of their choosing.

4.11 End participation in a protocol at any point.

4.12 Be informed of the outcome of requests and disclosure. 

4.13 To be fully believed and validated. 


5.1 The Khyber Staff

  • Follow The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy available online and in the centre
  • Ensure effective referral to community resources, and/or law enforcement and services
  • Ensure confidentiality in Disclosures, and follow-up process
  • Support Survivor/ Victims through active listening, offering resources, and or creating an immediate or long-term Safety Plan
  • Maintain confidentiality

5.3 The Khyber Board of Directors

  • Follow The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy available online and in the centre
  • Support the Khyber staff and volunteers during intense times of disclosure by being available for debriefing and regularly checking in with members of staff, board and volunteers who have not received active listening training, how to support survivors training, first responders training, or a tangible equivalency instructed by South House, Avalon, or an alternate gender justice/ sexual justice centre. They will transparently defer to a member of the staff, board, or volunteer who has had this training 
  • Care Rep. needs to have also completed active listening training and/or a how to support survivors training and/ or first responders training or a tangible equivalency instructed by South House, Avalon, or an alternate gender justice/ sexual justice centre. They need to check in with staff in person at least weekly around instances of disclosure.
  • Act as a unified voice to advocate for a community that centres survivor/ victims through upholding the principles of the anti-oppression, survivor centric framework and be involved with policy and procedural advancements in regards to sexual violence at the Khyber

5.4. Khyber Volunteers

  • Put their safety first
  • Follow The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy available online and in the centre 
  • Be informed about the harms caused by the sexual violence or harassment 
  • Support survivor/ victims through active listening, offering resources, and aiding in the creation of an immediate or long term safety plan 
  • Maintain confidentiality

5.5 Members of the Khyber Community

  • Members of the Khyber Community should uphold the principles of the anti-oppression, pro-survivor framework of the Khyber

The Khyber is committed to enacting the following measures to reduce harm, and to provide education around sexual violence in the Khyber community:

6.1 Provide comprehensive anti-oppression, survivor centric sexual violence training for staff, volunteers and board members. Based on availability and expertise invite outside parties to provide training.

6.2 Establish strong, visible partnerships between other groups in the Khyber community and greater arts community that have anti-oppression, survivor centric mandates and policies.

6.3 Assist and communicate with other artist-run centres about addressing sexual violence and sexual violence in their spaces through the anti-oppression, survivor centric framework. 

6.4 Provide comprehensive sexual violence and harassment procedure and safer space mandate to volunteers and staff.

6.5 Have visible no tolerance signage at events and sexual violence and harassment procedure, sexual violence and harassment policy, and safer space mandate available for reference. 

6.6 Have The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy and Safer Space Mandates available on the Khyber’s website.

6.7 Send The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy and Safer Space Mandates to artists who will be booking space, performing, or accessing Khyber resources. 

6.8 Provide public community workshops and events around complicating consent and how to support survivor/victims. 


7.1 Confidentiality is vital to those who have disclosed sexual violence.

7.2 When sexual violence is disclosed, the confidentiality of the survivor/ victim will determine if they would like any other member of the Khyber community to be made aware.

7.3 The Khyber staff will fill out an incident report to document the basis, date, and location of all disclosures. There will be no identifying information on the form.


8.1 The Khyber will continue engagement with the public with regards to discourse and awareness via “town hall” events in our space, as well as continuing to offer workshops facilitated by artists, partner organizations and professionals who have expertise on trauma informed and anti-oppression based practices.

8.2 It is protocol, that all staff and board members who work at public events will be first interviewed, presented with Khyber policies, then led through training sessions to ascertain skills necessary both in knowledge and tactic for dealing with oppression. The training sessions are to be facilitated by staff at South House Sexual & Gender Resource Centre and Avalon Sexual Violence Centre, which result in the signing of Code of Conduct and Protocol Agreement forms by each participant. If we are informed of, or are witness to behavior in violation with Khyber safer space/ survivor centric framework and this policy, the Khyber has grounds to terminate employment as per contracts/ artists agreements that state that the employees must follow and maintain Khyber policy, procedure, and act within the guidelines of the mandate.

8.3 It is protocol, that visiting and local featured artists exhibiting artwork and/or organizing events in the space will be required to review The Khyber Centre For The Arts Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy preamble and Safer Space Mandates and sign a contract that includes a statement on Code of Conduct and compliance with the values and best practices, which are reflected by all Khyber mandates and policy. If we are informed of or are witness to behavior in violation with Khyber safer space/ survivor centric framework and this policy, the Khyber has grounds to terminate contract agreement and not exhibit the work of the artist.

8.4 It is protocol, that third party renters or programming partners will be required to adopt Khyber policies at events. They will be held to the same regard as artists who present exhibitions and events in the space and are required to sign a booking agreement that details accessibility, policy, procedure, and expectations.

8.5 Proposals and applications submitted for programming consideration, as well as hiring and board recruitment, that do not meet anti-oppressive and pro survivor criteria maintained in our Safer Spaces mandate and Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy preamble/ policy will be denied. 


The Khyber holds a certified permanent Special Premises Liquor License8 whereas no outside alcohol or drugs are permitted in the established premise and strictly alcohol that is purchased under the Khyber’s licensed account is sold at events to those ages 19 and older under the terms of the license and rules assigned to its operation. As stated in the preamble, the Khyber acknowledges the inherent link between intoxication culture/ alcohol and sexual assault/ sexual violence but also aims to work from a harm reduction framework. 

Patrons who are belligerent, violent, making other patrons feel unsafe will be asked to leave the space for the remainder of the event. 

The Khyber reserves the right to refuse patrons bar service if they have been asked to leave due to more than two instances of belligerent or violent behaviour due to intoxication or in some severe instances, issue a permanent ban from the space.


48 hours after an incident where there was an instance of:



-Removal of patron

The Khyber’s management staff, Care Rep. or another member of the Khyber board, will be in touch to check-in with staff, volunteers and first responders, as a peer as well as to gather any information around improving policy and protocol effectiveness in the future. Based on the needs of the staff, volunteers and first responders, the Care Rep will facilitate a monthly check-in around how the protocol is feeling, and skill-building around responses. These check-ins will prioritize arising emotional needs and be held through a peer support model.


Potential Khyber staff and volunteers will be asked to read policy preamble and Safer Spaces Mandate, complete an interview that details questions around sexual justice and anti-oppression, and be trained on protocol for events and operations. 

The Khyber reserves the right to terminate employment if the volunteers or staff violate this policy, as well as ask them to leave the space.

If the Khyber is being rented for an event and a third party is providing volunteers, the volunteers will be held to the same standards as patrons under this policy.


Pursuant to articles 2 through 5 of this policy, persons identified by a survivor/victim as perpetrators of sexual violence occurring or having just occurred on Khyber premises will be asked to leave by Khyber staff as pertaining to the sexual violence and harassment strategy and protocol. This leave may result in a ban from entering the premise for a minimum of 1 year. The Khyber does not have the capacity to lead the person banned through an accountability process. Readmission decisions will be made in a survivor centric framework.


Pursuant to articles 2 through 5 of this policy, persons identified by a survivor/ victim as having been past perpetrators of sexual violence (including sexual violence occurring away from the Khyber premises) may be asked to leave by Khyber staff.


This policy will be reviewed in a Developmental Evaluation context and fully reviewed by The Khyber’s Board of Directors at least every two years. The policy will also be reviewed by The Khyber community through Town Hall events and through the public google document.


Adams, P. (2014, May 12). Do Canadian universities foster a ‘rape culture?’. University Affairs. Retrieved from

Brennan, S. & Taylor-Butts, A. (2008). Sexual Assault in Canada, 2004 and 2007. Canadian Centre of Justice Statistics. Retrieved from:

CBC News. (2015). Sexual Assaults on Canadian Campuses. Retrieved from:

Krebs, C. P. Lindquist, C., H., Warner, T. D. (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study. Final Report Prepared for the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC.

Lakehead University (2014). Sexual Misconduct Policy and Protocol: Dealing with Sexual Harassment, Sexual Stalking and Sexual Assault. Retrieved from:

McGill University (2016). Sexual Assault Policy. Retrieved from:

Moore, P. (2003). Critical components of an anti-oppressive framework. Online Journal of the International Child and Youth Care Network, 59.

Olson, L. J. (2014). Transforming rape culture on a college campus, using peer advocacy for social change. In S. K. White, J. M. White, & K. O. Korgen (Eds.). Sociologists in action on inequalities: race, class, gender, and sexuality. (pp. 98 – 105). London, UK: SAGE Publications.

Ontario Women’s Directorate (2013). Developing a Response to Sexual Violence: A Resource Guide For Ontario’s Colleges and Universities. Retrieved from:

Statistics Canada. (1993). The Violence Against Women Survey. Retrieved from:

Statistics Canada. (2009). Criminal victimization in Canada. Retrieved from:″>

St. Thomas University (2015): Policy on Sexual Violence 2015. Retrieved from:

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