Archive | ARCHIVES4

Horror Double-Features at the Khyber!

Double Feature Horror Movies every Thursday at 8pm and 10pm at the Khyber all October!!!! $2.50 each or 5 for both. Really sweet movies too. Watching horror flicks in October is the best, especially when it’s in a room full of people!


COVEN RING, by Marigold Santos. Opens Sept 28th, 8pm. Exhibition runs until October 26th.

Montreal-based artist, Marigold Santos’ first solo show in Atlantic Canada, Coven Ring, will open at the Khyber Centre for Art on September 28, 8pm. Through the works that comprise Coven Ring, Marigold Santos continues her exploration of notions of transformation, fragmentation and the multiplicity that is an inherent part of the self. These are rooted […]

SNAPSHOT: East Coat Contemporary Aboriginal Art

Snapshot: East Coast Contemporary Aboriginal Art Exhibition opens July 6th, 7pm Runs through August 17th Snapshot: East Coast Contemporary Aboriginal Art Exhibition opens July 6th, 7pmRuns through August 17th Snapshot: East Coast Contemporary Aboriginal Art is one of the first major exhibitions of contemporary Aboriginal art in Halifax since Re-claiming History opened at the Art […]


OBEY Convention V!

The OBEY Convention V May 31 – June 3 | Halifax, NS Halifax’s Festival of Damaged Music and Art OBEY ________________________ After a quiet year off, DIVORCE is pleased to finally announce a fifth installment of The OBEY Convention, Halifax’s springtime festival of damaged music and art. Some of the acts scheduled to perform include […]

CIRCA 1995