Come C.(Loser) Group Exhibition – 01/24/11 – 01/29/11

Come C.(Loser) Group Exhibition – 01/24/11 – 01/29/11

Come C. (Loser) turned out to be a great opening last night! Thanks to everyone who came out - If you would like to see photos of the exhibition just click the link below. EXHIBITION Love and best, -Khyber

Hairbrushing,  Cirlces – (Vida Beyer / Lisa Folkerson – Performance, multiple performers, variable duration, 2011)


Exhibition curated by Natalie Boterman

Artists include:

Vida Beyer

Social Remorse Vol 1: Rejection Years (Printed book work, edition 60, 2010)

A bookwork exploring the artist’s romantic life between the ages of 11 and 17, “in which I told anyone who I had (or thought I had) a crush on that I liked them.” This book features individual descriptions of each pursuit as well as a pen and ink portrait of each crush.

Social Remorse Vol. 2: Nearest and Dearest (printed map, edition of 60, 2010)

A Foldout map chronicling the artist’s “most serious platonic relationships”


Natalie Boterman

Text “LIKE” you talk (framed print, 2011)

A printed work using found text messages with the word “like” inserted as discourse particle

HRM (postage stamp, 2010)

HRM is the reworked image of Her Royal Majesty, found on current Canada Post stamps.  The image was projected and drawn on a grid of white cards, which were then sent out to 77 residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) with instructions to “connect the lines” on their puzzle piece and return it to me.  IT was then reassembled, photographed, and made into a new stamp.

Lisa Folkerson

O I’m lisa ( Single-Channel video, 2:24 minutes, 2011 )

Stephanie, Emerson, Tawny, Kim, Karla, Miriam, Kyla, Anneka, Dallas, Nemanja, Sarah, Ruby, Chelsea, Sarah, Ellen, Biliana, Emma, Jackie, Katie, Brady (My Best Friends) – (Embroidery thread, safety pins, magnets, 18cm x 18 cm – 113 cm, 2010)


Vida Beyer & Lisa folkerson

Hairbrushing ( Cirlces) – (Performance, multiple performers, variable duration, 2011)


Allison Higgins

James Franco Monolith with Library (6ft x 2ft x ft., mixed media, 2011)

An interactive kiosk, dedicated to the actor/director/writer/artist James Franco.  The custom-made unit is a square white monolithic entertainment centre.

Clair Hipditch

Dead Windows (4 colour photographs)

When a downtown business closes, its windows remain as empty reminders.  This suite of photographs isolate the windows as death portraits.

Apple-Voice (3 short videos)

Apple voice consists of computerized speech over famous scenes in films (Gone With the Wind, for example) to neutralize and satirize the dramatic voice.

Every dissolve from the episode The Bubble Boy (digital Prints, 2010)

Every dissolve from the episode The Old Man (digital prints, 2010)

Every dissolve from the episode The Opera (digital prints, 2010)


Nate Jones

Internet Triptych (video loop projection, 2010)

A video triptych of exaggerated landscapes, each referencing different aspects of digital and physical worlds; collectively they place the viewer in the artist’s position in relation to internet-based media.

Mailbox Triptych (22”x30”, 2010)

The visual language of Constructivist design is used to illustrate the everyday war that advertisements wage for our attention.

Damian Worth

Here nor There (interactive animation, variable length, 2010)

Through the exploration of an interactive, simulated landscape, the audience navigates historical, primordial and contemporary situations that reference real-world and fictitious phenomena.

Idea (nine painted plaster casts, 2010)

The iconic image of a light switch embodies binary logic.  This gradated series of cast light switch covers (with no switches) cancels the absoluteness of the binary.
Lisa Folkerson
Allison Higgins
Clair Hipditch
Nate Jones
Damien Worth

Photos from the Exhibition

CIRCA 1995