No Money Down: 15 Years at the Khyber! Archive Exhibition, March 12-April 1, 2010

No Money Down: 15 Years at the Khyber

Opening Reception: March 12th, 7:30pm

Runs: March 13th to April 1st 2010

The Khyber Art Society is proud to present a retrospective of its activities over the past 15 years with an exhibition of materials curated from its archives.  This is the first time in the Khyber’s history that this material has been surveyed as a whole and serves as an unofficial launch of the Khyber Archives, an initiative to consolidate, preserve and make accessible the records of the organization.
The exhibition will feature a large expanse of posters and promotional material as well as documents, in the form of small report bound books, that explore political and administrative narratives around the institution.  The selection of materials reflects an initial attempt to decipher these narratives and identify landmarks in the Khyber’s development.  Our entry point as amateur archivists is an open exploration, dredging up documents that seem to bear significance to the institution, while resisting the urge to arrange them in a symbolic order.  The resulting exhibition is then a field of free association where the audience, both informed and uninformed can begin to draw their own constellations.

This exhibition arrives at yet another junction in HRM – Khyber negotiations, with a long awaited report by TCI consultants to be passed on to Council in the near future.  This report will be passed on to City Council through a staff recommendation as to the best useage of this building.  It is our goal to fuel dialogue in the midst of this event; plans are presently being made to assemble a panel discussion to coincide with the exhibition.

Brought to you by the Khyber Archivist Committee:
Wes Johnston
Daniel Joyce
Will Vandermeulen
Kate Stinson
Hillary Webb
David Figueroa
Shauna Smith
Wallace Brannen

CIRCA 1995