The Hosts with the mosts,
One of whom is waiting to be diagnosed,
Yet is hardly an artworld ghost.
The other, in contrast, was the first, but certainly not the last.
Have come together at long last and have,
surpassed and recast a magic blast from the past.
Come one come all to help us celebrate Holiday Toast!
Silent auction and ebay items have all been donated by Eyelevel and Khyber archives, board, and staff. There will be ephemera for sale by artists such as David Askevold, Sherry Boyle, Daniel Barrows, Gerald Ferguson, Garry Kennedy, Alan Sondheim, Lawrence Wienger, Kelly Mark, UJERK5 (Jeff Wall, Rodney Grahame), Bruce Barber, Colleen Wolstenholme, Andrew Forester, John Greer and many more.