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Turret Resurrection Project, by Emily Davidson and the NSCAD Queer Collective

As part of this year’s 125th Anniversary Celebration Emily Davidson and the NSCAD Queer Collective are resurrecting the famous Turret Club! For more information just visit this article in Wayves Magazine about the project or read this article for more information on the Turret Club. Sweet release Disco in the Turret The Turret Bar is Back in […]

Draw Nudes with Local Dudes, Jan 29, 8-11pm

Draw Nudes is a local life drawing session that takes place approximately once a month at the Khyber Centre for the Arts. It’s a chance to draw in a casual environment, drink cheap beer and listen to sweet sweet tunes.


Holiday Toast 2012! Dec. 14th, 8pm. All arts organizations invited to take part

HOLIDAY TOAST 2012! DECEMBER 14th, 2012, 8pm onwards Arts organizations are invited to make a toast! The Khyber, Centre for Art Tapes, and Eyelevel Gallery warmly extend an invitation to all arts organizations and artists throughout HRM and beyond to come make a toast to the past year, the new year, to all the new […]

lowlife poster

LOWLIFE screening + Q&A, Nov 17 830pm $10

LOWLIFE screening! Nov 17th. Q & A followed by reception in the bar 8:30pm | $10 Tickets are limited an can be purchased online >>here<< The do-it-yourselfers behind Seth Smith’s epic living drug flick Lowlife have put together a unique guerrilla theatrical release that will see their film play in twenty cities and towns, reaching every […]

CIRCA 1995