Saturday 16 May, 2015 BROUGHT TO YOU BY NON STOP FUN: 1. COMEDY: Cheryl Hann Sandi Rankduwa Kaitlin Shuvera 2. MUSIC: Gift From God XXX CLVR WAYNE WORLD

Saturday 16 May, 2015 BROUGHT TO YOU BY NON STOP FUN: 1. COMEDY: Cheryl Hann Sandi Rankduwa Kaitlin Shuvera 2. MUSIC: Gift From God XXX CLVR WAYNE WORLD
Thursday 14 May, 2014 EVENT: HALIFAX SOUP is a bimonthly grant, modelled to support small to medium sized creative projects, put forward by members of the community and voted on while sharing a meal. The first microMEAL took place from 7-10PM May 14th at The Khyber Centre for the Arts, 5521 Cornwallis Street. Open to […]
On view: Friday 24 April – Tuesday 11 May, 2015 Organized by: Anna Leonowens Gallery, NSCAD University, The Khyber Centre for the Arts EXHIBITION: Scene Otherwise features four recent photographic projects by the Artists Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge (Toronto ON), organized by Anna Leonowens Gallery and NSCAD U as part of the Mayworks festival […]
PERFORM is an ongoing event initiated and organized by Brandon Brookbank. PERFORM intends to promote performance art within Halifax. Performances range in subject and production: via webcam, video, live, and projected. We are aiming to make this event a monthly occurrence: with any questions or proposals for future events please e-mail Saturday 11 April, […]
Saturday 04 April, 2015 Khyber was delighted to open it’s doors for the third instalment of the Halifax Cat Fanciers Society Biennial Spring Classic! The cats had been preparing themselves for months, knowing that they would be judged based on the Kennedy Whisker Scale in the categories of: POISE PETABILITY MYSTIQUE TALENT BEAUTY As this […]
The Khyber Centre for the Arts
1880 Hollis St. Halifax NS B3J 1W6
902.817.6620 |
Hours by appointment, except during exhibitions.
Exhibition Hours:
12-5PM Tuesday-Saturday