Event: PERFORM: vol 3 + Collectif Les Poulpes: Projet Convoi

Saturday 20 June, 2015

PERFORM is an ongoing event initiated and organized by Brandon Brookbank and Kyle Alden Martens.
PERFORM intends to promote performance art within Halifax. Performances range in subject and production: via webcam, video, live, and projected.
We are aiming to make this event a monthly occurrence: with any questions or proposals for future events please e-mail info@khyber.ca

vol 3
Featured performances by Artists/Khyber members:


MOLLY SODA (Detroit)

Leaving from Jonquière QC Les Poulpes Collective travelled by train across Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario connecting to galleries and centres at each train station.

The Khyber met the collective with a package at the train station 5:35PM Saturday 20 June, 2015. lespoulpes.com/projet-convoi

CIRCA 1995