Khyber For Children (KFC) Club: First meeting!

Sunday 14 December, 2014

Khyber For Children (KFC) Club is an art club for children!
The Club gathers in response to each exhibition or special project in the gallery. The children learn how to take in art shows and use the inspiration to make their own work in various mediums.
Click on exhibitions listed in Programming for past KFC workshops AND..
For more information on upcoming KFC events contact:

For the first KFC event, children aged 2-6 + their guardians were invited to make work in response to the current Special Project: Member’s Selection Archive and Library, in which Khyber membership was invited exhibit in the gallery through contributing to a member’s consorted library.
This event took place the day after the grand opening of the new Halifax Central Library and participants were asked: What makes a library? A shelf? What does it mean to be a Member of something? The response was executed through drawing on a floor covered in craft paper, cutting out “objects” and placing them on a painter’s tape “shelf” which will remain installed for the duration of the Member’s Selection project.
KFC projected video, danced to music, ate healthy snacks and got to take home a binder with a Club colouring sheet to be added to upon attending each upcoming KFC event!

Download, print, colour:
KFC Member’s Selection – Colouring Sheet!

CIRCA 1995