Saturday 27 September, 2014
Body of Water is a multimedia experience inviting you to feel the glory of lake swimming in Halifax.
Taking place in the courtyard of The Khyber Centre for the Arts, is launched with an unusual screening choreographed by Jacinte Armstrong.
Body of Water is a production of part&parcel (Veronica Simmonds and Katie McKay) and was made possible with support from:
Arts NS, HRM Open Projects, CFAT and the Khyber Centre of the Arts.
& the close collaboration of:
illustrator Rebecca Roher,
composer Alex Melnyk
and web designer Lukas Steinman,
As well as the bodies and voices of:
Kira Daube, Jude Williams, Annie Macmillan, Casey Schwarz, Nick Dourado, Eva Mooers and Rosalyn Iuliucci.
Image courtesy of photographer Brandon Toomey and illustrator Rebecca Roher: